Tuesday, November 30, 2010


hahaha~ hollaaaa december!!!
well, now we're in a new month but it was a last month for this 2010!!
give a warmest welkam to 2011!!
time flies so fast and it was end of year
so, did u achieved your goals for this year???
as for me, m still looking forward for my posting!!
damnnn, it's so hard and till now m still stuck here
alone with me bebeh rayyan!!
bila la aku dpt pindah and be with hubby ku terkintaaa???
well, this year bnyk moments yg for sure aku nda dpt lupakan!!'s a good and bad moments!! but i am still happy with my life!!
and i am thankful to Allah for giving me a chance to breathe until now!!
as a human being and hamba Allah,
we made a mistakes and learned from mistakes..
so, live your life to the fullest as you can!!
erm, saya punya cuti suda abis loorrr..
so teda lagi cuti - cuti malaysia!!!
alololo..this december only working til next year!!!
wait until next year then kt planning cuti2 lagi maaa...
hahahaha..for sure kk mari and langkawi mari for next year!!!

bah..berinut lu..choww!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010


been a long tym didn't bloggin here!
well, it's been awhile n hell yeah many things comes and go!
i am so down today with the things dat makes me feel heartache!!
ouhhh What the big 'F' !!
well, may ada hikmah d sebalik semua yang berlaku n me as a hamba Allah
redha dengan ketentuan NYA!! and i am thankful coz NYA masih lagi
bagi aku bernafas d bumi NYA!! syukur Alhamdulillah!!
ok juz forget about the things!!
as d day goes by, it's been 3 days oredy me n my lil buddy away from hubby!
how i miss him so very muchie!!
another months to go to see him again!
i am stil waiting for a miracle!
how i wish i am the 'CHOSEN ONE' to fill in the post at d ADTEC Bintulu!! *cross finger*
if it was me, well i am greatful to ALLAH!!
but if it was not me, it's not my rezeki i think n i wil keep on trying i guess!
no matter what!
i will keep on fighting for my happiness!
itu satu kepastian!!
as a year goes by,
it was end of the year!
another month to go and we say HELLO 2011!!
GOODBYE 2010!!
azam baru and another goals to be achieve!!
what wil b my new resolution??
eheh..lemme think it first!
have no idea yet!!
stil thinking n thinking!!
mayb wanna make a new me?? InsyaAllah!!
God Willing!!
it's end of november!
hujan ja!
yesterday cuci keta terbang rm9
hari ni kotor again coz it's raining heavily juga!
well, dat's all for today!